Keep The Printing Presses Rolling!
By Rodney W. Francis
The potential of good Christian literature is limitless! Through it we are able to present Christ in places where we might never personally be able to go and preach. We know that wherever men, women and children will open their hearts to receive the written message, the Holy Spirit is right there to meet with them, and to reveal JESUS.
In this needy hour of time, more than ever Christians need to be exhorted and challenged to make sure the printing presses are kept rolling, producing power-packed literature and books that will win souls into the Kingdom of Heaven! If you want to win more souls to Jesus Christ today, then pray about supporting Literature Ministries (especially those ones that have proven to be a blessing in your own life). God is concerned that people the world over do not perish, but that they come to repentance and faith in Him (2 Peter 3:9). When His concern becomes our concern, He will guide us into avenues of service where our life, time and money will be used to count the most for the Glory of God.
Although we are not able to fulfil every request that comes in to us for our literature, we still feel the need to keep expanding our outreaches (currently we are in more than 110 nations)! How can we rest satisfied when there are still so many without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? . . . and KNOWING that through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we have been made “able ministers of the New Testament” (2 Corinthians 3:5-6). Yes, we are equipped to give them the Answer, Who is Christ Jesus the Risen, Living Lord!
As long as there are sinners to be saved; and no matter where, or in what spiritual position Christians have attained to, the printed page will have a most important place to occupy in the lives of people. My sincere prayer is that God might touch your heart and open your eyes more to see the effectiveness of anointed Gospel literature placed into the hands of the people, and give you a greater desire to want to help to get it into those hands through keeping the printing presses rolling. Just imagine if we had no printed Bibles! Let us indeed be workers together with God in this needy hour of time (2 Corinthians 6:1-2).
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry is very privileged to have been involved in keeping the printing presses rolling for 50 years! Many hundreds of thousands of people have been ministered to over those years, and today we are touching more people than ever, as God uses my writings and books to impact many lives around the world.
In August 2012, when I was ministering in Nairobi, Kenya, I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. He showed me the urgency of the hour in which we are living and told me that a number of nations which are still open to the Gospel will soon close, and it is only what literature that we have already placed in those countries that will continue to minister inside those countries after they close. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Rodney, I want you to ‘up the tempo’ and get more books printed in these nations.” At that time our GFM funds were low and we had books waiting to be printed in India, Myanmar and Kenya. It was like God was asking me to do more when we could not even do what we had already committed to. I told the Lord I was willing, but that He would have to increase the funds so we can obey Him. It was a very real experience and it affected me greatly.
Soon after my arrival back home in New Zealand, I was standing at the kitchen sink washing loose tea-leaves down the drain, when suddenly those tea-leaves turned into lost souls perishing and going to a Christ-less eternity ~ as quickly as those tea-leaves were rushing down the drain! The Holy Spirit then reminded me of what He had said to me in Kenya, and I stood there weeping as I saw the urgency of the hour we are living in. As I cried out to the Lord to help me to meet more of the great needs, the Lord released a greater faith to me that saw a change take place. We saw finances released from unexpected quarters that enabled us to print all the backlog of printing in India, Myanmar and Kenya; and also enabled us to print many thousands more books and Gospel tracts since then. We are seeing an increase of my writings and books getting published in the nations since then, and the testimonies and reports that we are receiving as a result are that God is using them to touch and impact multiplied thousands of people through them. Scores are being sovereignly filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues and prophesying as a result of my books getting to them. What we are experiencing is amazing me! God is so good! When we obey His challenges to us, we step into another realm of faith and are able to accomplish so much more! Hallelujah! My heart yearns to keep the printing presses rolling more than ever before! (Now, every time I see tea-leaves in a sink I am reminded of lost souls going to a Christ-less eternity)!
May God open all our eyes more to see the urgency of the hour, and the perishing of lost souls, so that we will be stirred into action to do something about rescuing the perishing. One of the most effective ways is to keep the printing presses rolling, producing good Gospel Literature that will help to bring in the harvest for Jesus Christ. God Bless you!
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, New Zealand. Email: