Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0098



One does not have to look too far today to realize that we are living in a generation that, generally speaking, does not carry a conscience of the difference between right and wrong. Our news bulletins are full of examples of people stealing, violating people’s privacy, and doing things that show that there is not much conviction that what they are doing is wrong. Our prisons are full, but society continues on its downward spiral. It is easy for Christians to sit by and condemn what is happening all around us. But is the problem rooted in the Christian Community? Should we not be living in such a way that we are actually the conscience of our society, and the convictions of a life of total honesty and “loving our neighbour” are clearly seen by all? We cannot expect a humanistic society to have convictions of right and wrong, for they have no “bottom line” of belief or conviction to know when they have crossed over that line.

For me, one of the marks of Christianity is that Christians should be totally honest. Sadly, far too often, that is not the case. One cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit of truth and continue to tell lies, living dishonestly, and still doing those things that are abhorrent to God. Where is our conscience in that kind of living? If we Christians do not set an example of what life is all about, then who else can?

The foundations of the Christian faith are rooted in honesty, integrity and truth, which are found only in Jesus Christ. Believing on Jesus includes developing a character that glorifies Jesus Christ in us ~ for our body is now the temple of the Holy Spirit and He lives inside of us. When He is Lord of us, then there is no way that we are going to live dishonest lives that lack conviction of what is right and what is wrong. God has given us a conscience to know the difference! If we are living “questionable” lives, then there has to be a major rethink on what is required of us now that we have received into our lives the Wonderful Holy Spirit of God. He will always cause us to honour, respect and obey the purposes of God for us. He has come into our lives to make us“witnesses unto Jesus” (Acts 1:8) ~ by word and by deed. Generally speaking, if the world cannot see Jesus in us, then where can they see Him?

The only authority we have to bring change is within our own lives. We cannot force our beliefs or lifestyles on to others. But we can set the example. We can show them a better way. We can demonstrate by the way we live that Jesus Christ is the Answer! Make no mistake about it: the world is not reading the Bible ~ they are reading the Christian! What do they see? Is there a difference ~ a difference that would make them to want to know more of the life you and I live? It is very sad that if the only difference between non-Christians and Christians is that Christians go to church or meetings ~ yet (in other ways) are seen as being no different to the rest of the world? And if that is so, then we are not carrying sufficient conviction in our lives to give society a conscience to see their need for change.

JESUS has saved us to make a difference in this world! And that conviction only comes about as we have a conscience that demands personal honesty, integrity and truth. May each of us raise the standard this year! ~ Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Romans 12; Micah 6:8; Hebre ws 9:

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Lord, Help me to die to myself more and more, and to live unto You more and more. Help me to experience the truth of all that You came to provide for me through Your finished work at Calvary. Give me the courage to stand and live for honesty and truth, to make sure that I am a genuine example and witness of the power of Jesus Christ in a fallen world. Help me to deal with every thought that does not allow me to be transformed through the renewing of my mind, and to conquer it for the Glory of God. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”


The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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