Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0060 




In looking back over the five years of how “BB” came into existence, I thought I would share with you how it came about. It was in 2000 when we had a GFM Team ministering at a Conference in Penang, Malaysia. There we met and ministered to missionaries and leaders from eight Asian nations. It was a wonderful Conference, but while there I picked up in my spirit that there were a number of those present who were somewhat discouraged and downhearted. From Malaysia we flew on to the United Kingdom where we ministered for three months. Throughout the time we spent in the U.K. I could not shake this burden for those discouraged people in Asia. No matter what I did, nothing seemed to change. One day, as I was talking to God about it, He spoke into my spirit with these words: “Why don’t you do something about it?” I responded very quickly to God by saying, “Who me? What can I do from so far away? They live in Asia and I live thousands of miles away in New Zealand!” God surprised me with His reply: “They gave you their E-mail addresses, didn’t they?” “Yes.” “Then why don’t you encourage them through that means.” Immediately the concept for “Barnabas Bulletin” came to me and, on my arrival back in New Zealand, we launched “Barnabas Bulletin” No. 1 in January 2001. From virtually a hand full of E-mail addresses, “BB” has grown to minister to thousands of people in more than 80 nations. Continually we are receiving positive comments about the articles, and are often told that they are forwarded on to other missionaries, friends, etc. We have no way of measuring how many read “BB” each month. E-mail is a wonderful way to bless and encourage others in the work of the Lord. 


The spiritual principle of how “BB” started is the same principle for the birthing of other Christian Ministries. When we receive that “rhema” (“present tense, now, quickened word”) in our heart from the Holy Spirit Himself ~ and will commit in obedience to doing whatever that word tells us, then we are able to become “a worker together with God” (2 Corinthians 6:1) and see a creative new thing come forth that has the capacity and the potential to reach out and impact unlimited numbers of people. If we really are serious about our Christian faith ~ and sharing it with others ~ then it is so important that we listen to what God says, and then do whatever He says! I am learning more and more to work according to this principle, and the difference in the fruitfulness of ministry is so vastly different than trying to succeed in my own ideas, ego, and/or natural talents. It is really very simple when we are willing to “let go and let God!” It is far easier to “talk the walk” than to demonstrate a total commitment to “the talk.” To put into practice what God says to us (personally) means that we have to “walk the talk!” And that is very different to a theological discourse or set of beliefs. Christianity is all about “practicing what we believe, preach and teach

Our obedience to whatever God says (to us) releases the hand of God to fulfil what He promised us in the first place! Obedience to what God says is called “faith”! Faith is a prophetic word that is activated after we hear what God is saying, so that we can obey whatever He is asking of us. And my experience is that every time God speaks to me, He is asking me to do something practical to demonstrate to Him that I believe it is Him that is talking to me! That practical response (obedience) sets in motion a series of things that brings about the fulfilling of the purposes of God ~ in me

Prior to God talking to me in the U.K., I had no vision or intention of setting up a ministry called “Barnabas Bulletin.” But once I heard from God, the concept was conceived, and then birthed, and today we are five years down the track, having ministered to multiplied thousands in the process. And it is not over yet! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! ~ Rodney W. Francis. 

Bible  Readings:  

Romans 4:3,19-25; Romans 10:4-17; Colossians 4:17; Revelation 1:9-20.  

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Lord, I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus! I thank You for speaking to us in these days ~ speaking in such a way that ministries are raised up to encourage and impact thousands of lives around the world. I ask You to help me to be more and more sensitive to Your voice; that I will not doubt it, but that I will rise more and more in faith to do whatever You say. Help me to 'birthsomething that is 'born of Godbecause I heard Your voice, and was quick to obey. Deliver me from any guilt of disobedience from the past, so that I can listen to You with a clear conscience, knowing that You do want to use me according to Your will. 'Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening(1 Samuel 3). In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  P.O. Box 57, Paraparaumu 5254, New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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