Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0054 


- It Is Now Time To Grow Bigger In Him! 

OUR GOD IS A BIG GOD! And our BIG GOD wants to DO BIG THINGS! This is revealed to us throughout the Word of God. Let us look at just one or two of these passages of Scripture:

Isaiah 54:1-5 presents to all Christians a mighty challenge to "ENLARGE the place of their tents." God has a work for every person. GOD HAS A WORK FOR YOU! He has a work for us to accomplish that is larger than that which we can fulfil in our own strength or ability. He has given us Holy Spirit energy to do things we have never been able to do before! He wants us to break through into new and greater things in Him.

None of us can ever expect to move on to the next step God places before us, if we are not"standing fast in the liberty by which Christ has made us free"! (Galatians 5:1). It is time for us to grow BIGGER! It is time to become a spiritually larger man or woman for Jesus Christ! God has challenged YOU and ME to do this! You need to ENLARGE – and I need to enlarge. We have to GROW BIGGER IN GOD! We need to ACTIVATE OUR FAITH more and more! Only those who are“STRONG in the LORD and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10-20) can stand against the opposition that comes to all who dare to accept this challenge to ENLARGE – and to stand for the truth of God’s Word. (Let us be very realistic here.)


In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, we have this “enlarging principle” demonstrated in a man by the name of Jabez (the name means “sorrowful,” and also “height”). He was an honourable man, but sorrowful – he was barren in his experience with God. He was not enjoying the blessings of God, nor was he satisfied with his present position. So he began to call upon God. He prayed: "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and ENLARGE MY TERRITORY, that Your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!"  What a prayer! If he were enjoying the blessings of God he would not have needed to pray for them. He prayed for God to MAKE HIM A BIGGER MAN! To enlarge him! Please note God's answer to his prayer: "He granted him that which he requested."  Jabez saw his need to be more effective for God. And as soon as Jabez meant "business" with God, and began to pray for a better experience, and bigger things, God began to move more powerfully in his life. Jabez experienced both meanings of his name - he was changed from a sorrowful man to one of greater heights in his God.


Turn, please, to Psalm 118:1-17. Here we find David speaking dynamically, because when he cried unto God, the Lord set him in a LARGE place (v.5). He broke through the fear barrier - God was on his side. He stood in victory against all who compassed him about. God was his strength and song - he had the voice of rejoicing and salvation. He said: "I shall not die, but LIVE, and DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD" (v.l7). He was NOT going to live a wasteful, barren life, but rather one of victory and song, because he had been set in a LARGE PLACE. We all know that David rose above many obstacles and became great in his God – the God Who is also our God! Our God still desires for His children to rise to greater heights in Him!


This must be OUR experience if we are to make definite spiritual progress. It is not good enough for us to remain as we are. We must press onwards, upwards and outwards through faith in the promises of the Living God. This world we live in desperately needs to see a demonstration of the Living God in and through us, and to know by our example that He lives today to set the people free from every form of bondage that keeps them locked up into small thinking and living. Let this message challenge you to ENLARGE IN GOD ... to SING and REJOICE ... "for YOU SHALL BREAK FORTH on the right hand and on the left." – Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Isaiah 54; Isaiah 60:1-5; Isaiah 61:1-4; Ephesians 3.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Lord, in Jesus’ mighty name I come to You, asking that You help me to be more released from smallness of thinking and action. Help me to see and know that, through YOU, I am able to break forth in my life. I am able to accomplish greater things than ever before as I commit myself to trusting Your Word. Please do not let me passively remain at where I am at with You, but to be more and more hungry for all that You have for me. Help me to know that ‘I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4:13). In Jesus’ name I pray these things, Amen.” 

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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