Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 53 


There is a lesson to be learned by all Christians from the jawbone that was used by Samson when he slew a thousand men of the Philistines (Judges 15:14-19). Of itself the jawbone was of no use whatsoever - its natural task had been fulfilled, and the ass it came from was dead! Therefore, although the jawbone was new, it was nevertheless also dead. But from that “death” God was able to place it in the hands of Samson – a man who was moving in the power of the Holy Spirit - and use it to bring victory for His people, the Israelites. That jawbone was a weapon used of God to bring deliverance to those who had been dominated by their enemies. But even though the jawbone had played such a major part in this great deliverance, its ministry was not fully understood – not even by the man who was using it! Samson did not see that the jawbone had more than one use in the plan of God. After he had finished slaying the Philistines, Samson must have looked at that jawbone and thought how insignificant it was – then he just threw it right back on the ground from where he got it. As far as he was concerned it had fulfilled its ministry. But little did he realize that that same jawbone, with which he had ministered judgment upon his enemies, was now going to minister revival to his own life! Even though Samson used that jawbone in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, he himself had become physically exhausted in using it. He felt he was going to die of thirst. So he cried unto the Lord to help him in his time of need. God heard Samson’s cry and answered his prayer by ministering to his need through that wonderful jawbone! From out of the innermost being of the jawbone, God caused water to come out and minister to Samson’s need. Instead of dying, his spirit came again and he revived!

Today, many of God’s people are still in bondage to the enemy of their soul. The god of this world has been allowed to dominate far too many areas of our lives and, as a result, the true freedom of walking in the power of God has been taken from us. We are not experiencing the life of Christ in the way He desires us to.

The need is for jawbone ministries – men and women who have “died” to self-will and to living in the natural, logical realm; people who KNOW that of themselves they are NOTHING, and that the true life of Christ only comes forth from the “death” of the “old nature.” The jawbone ministry is totally dependent upon another - even Jesus Christ, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit – and knows that as he/she abides in the place of “death to self,” God is able to use that person to bring deliverance and freedom to others. Because that person is “dead,” they do not get offended when cast aside by some great church or ministry. Their reliance is upon the Lord to use them, more than the Lord’s servants. Because they are “dead” to self the jawbone ministry is able to impart the Living Water of Jesus to bring revival to all who will drink.

Let us learn the lessons of the jawbone ministry and be willing to “die to self.” When we are “dead” to self we are free for God to use us to bring deliverance and revival to needy souls around the world.

  • Will you be a jawbone ministry?                              – Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Matthew 10:5-39; Romans chapter 6.  

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Father in Heaven, I come to You through the Mighty and Marvellous name of Your Only Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to realize again the conditions You have spoken in Your Word regarding the laying down of my own will and desires at the foot of Your Cross. Help me to know that it is only as I “die to self,” that I can be of any real use to You. I yield myself afresh to you and declare, ‘It is not my will but Yours be done. Help me to see Your will more clearly in my life, and to understand the ministry of what You can do in and through me when I am totally committed to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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