Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0043



THE MAJOR MESSAGE of the Bible to Christians is that of hearing the voice of God, and the need for our obedience to that voice. This message and challenge runs throughout the entire Scriptures and is the deciding factor of whether we succeed or fail in this life. The whole of Biblical Christianity is based upon this truth, and it is our responsibility to make sure that we are able to recognize the voice of God to our lives when it comes. God speaks in a variety of ways, and, as we continue to cultivate an up-to-date relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we discover that God’s voice comes to us to guide us in all our ways. 

To hear and obey the voice of God is so important, that we “stand or fall” by what we do (or do not do) with what God says to us. Many Christians make excuses that “God does not speak me,” or “I do not know when or how God speaks to me.” The truth is that God is speaking to us far more than we realize. It is therefore very important that we take the time to cultivate our hearing of His voice. God speaks today! He is speaking to each one of us. We must keep listening to Him, receive His Word and truth in whatever way He brings it to us (it will always be confirmed by the principles of the Bible), and then demonstrate our love to Him by our obedience to whatever He tells us to do. My experience is that whenever God speaks to me He always demands an active response from me. I have to do something. That “doing something” activates the promises of what God says to me, and I then see the fulfilment of what He says to me. If I hear, and do nothing (and often “praying about it” is not enough), then I do not see the fulfilment of His promises to me. The impact of His voice is lost through my disobedience – my deciding not to respond to it. 

One thing that really amazes me amongst us Christians is that we are far too often “ignorant” on the major teachings of Scripture, i.e. hearing, recognizing and obeying the voice of the Lord, loving one another, etc. We tend to “major on minors” and reject or ignore the real issues of the supernatural Gospel of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Head knowledge of the Bible falls very far short of personally hearing and knowing the voice of God in our lives! Until we are prepared to “line ourselves up” with the major teachings of the Bible, then we are only settling for something far less than God has purposed for us. For me, since I have made a commitment of my life to live according to what I hear from God, my life and ministry has stepped into another realm. I am more fulfilled, more motivated, and far more effective in impacting thousands of lives around the world for Jesus. The voice of God opens doors for me that I know I could never ever see opened otherwise! 

To obey the voice of God means we have to hear it, recognize its source, believe it sufficiently to commit to it in an active and positive way, and show God by our obedience to that word that we love Him more than anyone (or anything) else in life. Whenever we doubt that voice, we will not commit to an act of obedience through “stepping out” in faith. Faith is a prophetic word and faith is that ingredient in our lives that responds to the voice of God. In simple, and very blunt terms – no voice, no faith. If you are in doubt about what I am saying, let me encourage you to look for the voice of God and what God says about “obeying the voice of the Lord your God” and what He expects of us when we hear that voice. Keep listening, and, if necessary, adjusting, until you know you’re hearing God’s voice. Then: simply obey whatever He tells you. Then it will not be very long before “you can’t lose for winning!” – Rodney Francis

Bible  Readings:   John 2:5; Psalm 29; John 10:3-5, 27-30; Revelation 1:8-20.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, You Who speaks to us in many different ways, please help me to listen to, take heed to, and obey Your voice to my life much more quickly. Forgive me for my lack of action in doing what You say. Help me to be rid of all excuses when it comes to obeying Your voice. Help me to discern Your voice more accurately, and to accept that You desire to speak to me in many different ways. Help me to know Your voice so clearly that You will be able to speak to me any way You want to, and I will still know it is You. I love You, Lord Jesus, and want to be obedient to Your voice and will. In Jesus’ name I pray these things, Amen.”

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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