Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0024

Has God “GRABBED” You Yet?


IN “The Message” translation of Ezekiel 37:1, it commences with a startling statement: “God grabbed me.” It is an act by God of exercising His authority over that which was His – His servant Ezekiel. It is a forceful statement. It speaks of being searched out and then personally selected for a task – then grabbed for the operation of it. The task was supernatural. It was to be accomplished “in the Spirit of the Lord.” It was “a new thing,” but the consequences were far reaching. God grabbed Ezekiel to prophetically bring about major change – resurrection life – into a nation that had lost its way because it had lost hope, become discouraged, then negative, then gave up. God grabbed Ezekiel to prophesy life into that spiritual decay, to exercise his God-given authority to speak to the dry bones, then to the wind, then to the dead bodies, to stand up and live and become an army to the glory of God!
Something really happens when God grabs a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, and speaks into their spirit to function prophetically. This shows us something of the power of the prophetic. It is God’s way of bringing life out of death, hope to the hopeless, and major change into His people.

Jesus came into this world to pay the supreme sacrifice to purchase yours and my redemption. He did that, and to all who have been born-again of His Spirit, He has rightful claim on us. Are we willing and in a place where He can grab us? Can He grab you to do some startling work in this 21st century? He wants to. He is not pleased at the way so many live weak and defeated lives day after day. He is looking for men and women right now who are walking in the Spirit and are willing to rise to new challenges of God using us in supernatural and spectacular ways. First we have to let Him grab us. Think of that for a moment. To be grabbed is much more than a gentle tap on the shoulder, or a pleading eye look. It is a forceful happening, perhaps even a kidnapping (?) – something that happens outside our normal sphere, and launches us into something we’ve never experienced before. Whatever, God wants to grab us today to work with Him to bring about massive changes in the lives of people, leaving them in no doubt that HE IS THE LORD THEIR GOD.
To see these massive changes in people and situations God has to grab someone to release the prophetic word to the people.

  • Are we willing?

  • Are we available?

  • Or are we too comfortable in our own little religious circles to know what God wants of us, what God wants to do with us, and through us?

God grabbed Ezekiel – can He grab you?    -  Rodney Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Ezekiel 37:1-14; Ezekiel 47:1-12; John 14:12 and Mark 16:15-20.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear Lord, please grab hold of my life in a much greater way. Deliver me from apathy that makes me cautious and doubtful of the way Your mighty Holy Spirit wants to work in my life. Help me to see the importance of allowing You free course in my life. Help me to become a people-changer, a nation-changer, because You have full reign in my heart. Give me more revelation of the power of the prophetic so that I may co-operate with You more and more. I speak release of the prophetic word out of my life to bless and transform others. In Jesus’ name I pray for, believe and expect greater things to happen through my life. Amen.”

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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