Barnabas Bulletins


 A Monthly Ministry Of Encouragement


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0117



We live in a very religious orientated world. Maybe there is more deception around now than at any other point in time? It is therefore very important that we consider again the claims of Scripture and the absolutely vital place that Jesus Christ should be holding in our lives. In Hebrews 3:1 we are told to “consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus” (NKJV). In the previous two chapters we are given clear witness as to the place that Jesus holds ~ far above all others! He is the One through Whom God speaks today.

  • Truth is a person (Jesus Christ), not a teaching!

Therefore we must “consider” Him. The word “consider” comes from the Greek word “katanoeo” meaning “to observe fully: behold, consider, discover, perceive (Strong’s); “to perceive thoroughly (with the mind)” (Young’s); “to perceive or discern distinctly or clearly; to understand, consider, observe” (Bullinger’s). When we stop to consider the meaning of the word “consider,” we see that it involves some very real challenges to make sure we are observing Jesus fully, perceiving Who He is; to be observing, to be discerning distinctly and clearly, and to be understanding the importance of giving Him His rightful place in our lives. Everything else has to take second place to Jesus! Those meanings are powerful ones, and we should therefore give some earnest heed to what the Scripture is speaking to us about.

Considering Jesus means that we walk in His truth, as He is the Truth (John 14:6). Whatever Jesus says is true! Even His angels must be subject unto Him. To consider Jesus means that we are attentive to whatever He says: His word is the final authority on any given matter; for God has exalted Him (Jesus) far above all principalities and powers (Colossians 1). The very fact that we are told to consider Jesus shows us that it is possible to stray away from the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to become side-tracked with other issues and teachings (and there are plenty of them around today). Hebrews 3 warns us against “hardening our hearts” against the voice of Jesus. Make very sure that you interpret all teachings in the light of JESUS, and what He says! Consider Him!

In every area of daily living we are to consider Jesus and to give Him His rightful place. If He is not Lord of all, then He is not Lord at all. And if He is not Lord of our lives, then we will totally miss the power and impact of what He came to provide us!

Let us remember that it was JESUS Himself Who paid the supreme sacrifice for our sins on the Cross of Calvary ~ not an angel, a church, a teaching, a religious ceremony or observance ~ but the person of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God! And on the third day He rose triumphantly from death and the grave ~ and He lives forever more to rule and reign in the hearts of those who will consider Him, and enthrone Him as Lord of all! All of life’s true qualities are found only in Him. Consider Jesus today! He gave everything for us ~ what will we give in return for Him. He only asks one thing of us ~ our whole life! Has he got it yet? ~ Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Hebrews 1; Hebrews 2; Hebrews 3.

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear God, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I ask You to help me to be really serious about considering Jesus, so that I may give Him His rightful place in my life each day. Your Word tells me that I should be demonstrating the evidence of a Supernatural God living in my life, and so I ask You to stir and liberate me to be able to be the man/woman of God you called me to be. Help me to clearly listen to Jesus so that I may distinctly discern Your divine will and purposes. I really do want to be an effective and fruitful minister of Your Supernatural Gospel in my day and generation. In Jesus' name, I pray these things. Amen."

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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