Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0084 



We are living in perilous days ~ times of busyness, pressure and stress; times of much deception. It is therefore very important that we Christians know Who we believe and what we believe if we are to live that ongoing victorious life in Jesus Christ. The source of all our believing is determined by our understanding of the Scriptures, the Word of God, the Bible. Do we know what the Bible says? Are we searching out its pages for our self to discover what it is really saying, or do we depend upon someone else to do that for us? The GFM Bible Correspondence Course Ministry was started a number of years ago because of the concern that I had over people quoting what they thought was the Scripture, but when I checked to see what it actually said, I was dismayed at how often they were misquoting it! That turned into a burden that I should do something that would help others to get into the Scriptures for themselves. Those Courses are the result, and now many thousands around the world have been blessed through them!

If we do not search the Scriptures for our self, then how are we going to know what is contained in them? God can only work on the Word that we put into our heart. He does not bless ignorance in that regard. We need to be challenged to be like the Bereans. The Bible says of them:“They received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). Even the Apostle Paul’s ministry came under that same scrutiny with them! They were not swayed by personalities, like so many are today who tend to have an “if so and so says it, it must be right” kind of attitude.

Let us take a little self-test on our approach to the Scriptures. How often do I read the Word? How much of the Word do I read at a time? How important is it in my daily life? Is it of more value to me than anything else? Do I personally know the major teachings and principles of the Scriptures? How much do I seek to live by those teachings and principles? Do I need to make any changes in my disciplines toward the Word of God? And so we could go on . . .

The knowing of the Scriptures is so important that our life’s decisions are made directly according to our personal understanding of them. The voice of the Holy Spirit will always be confirmed by the principles of Scripture. When we truly know the will of Jesus for our life, then we are going to make decisions that help us to fulfil that will and calling. If we have no conviction of God’s call and purpose on our life, then we will make unwise decisions and reap accordingly. To fulfil God’s purpose will mean an ongoing study and searching of His Word so that we can live a life that is pleasing to Him. Knowing the Word of God, and knowing the God of the Word are very vital for our survival in our godless societies today! Is it time for us to “fall in love with the Scriptures all over again”? ~ Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  Psalm 119; John 15; Hebrews 4.  

Please Pray This Prayer:

“Dear God, I come to You through the matchless name of Jesus Christ Your Son. I acknowledge Him as “the word that became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) and ask that You will continue to work in my life in such a way that I will always highly appreciate and value that Word. Forgive me, Lord, for any slackness that I have toward the Scriptures, and stir my heart and spirit to give more priority to it from now on. I pray that the Holy Spirit will illumine my heart and understanding, so that I will know more of that truth that sets me free! Thank You, Lord, for giving us Your Word, which I now seek to hide more in my heart. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”


The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email:



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