What Is Your Personal Vision?


What Is Your Personal Vision?

By Rodney W. Francis


 It is important that we Christians have a vision and purpose as to where we are heading in order to fulfil the purposes of God for our lives. Christianity is far more than simply attending Christian meetings. They should be a means to an end so that we are equipped to accomplish greater things than we ever have before. It is all about progressing on in the calling of God that is on our lives. Every Christian is called of God to fulfil a vision ~ His vision and purpose as to why we are here on this earth right now. Jesus Christ has saved us to be part of the Answer to a needy and troubled world. Christians are “witnesses unto Jesus” (Acts 1:8) so the world will know that Jesus loves them and died to save them ~ and that He has risen from the dead to demonstrate that the power of God and the Gospel is very different to every other belief system. To be effective witnesses of Jesus we have to have a personal relationship with Him and know His voice and what He has chosen us for. We cannot afford to function “by habit” but to be awake and alive in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to make a positive difference in a negative world. People of the world do not read their Bible ~ they read us the Christians! When we are inspired and motivated by a personal up-to-date vision of what we are called to be doing today, then they see that we are very different to most other people they meet. They will want to know why we are different. And your personal vision, inspired by the Holy Spirit, will lift you up out of negativity, despair and depression (of which far too many Christians seem to trapped in these days). Jesus comes into our lives to make a positive difference. It is good for us to do some self-evaluation/appraisal and ask ourselves some real questions:

  • What will your focus be this year?

  • Will it be more clearly defined than last year? Remember, it is God’s will that you live life to the full through Jesus Christ Who lives in you. With Him in your life you can be an overcomer every day.

  • What changes do you think are needed in order for you to accomplish your destiny in God?

  • Do you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with another committed-to-the-will-of-God Christian so that you can be more clear in your thinking as to what your specific calling and giftings are?

  • You can achieve what He created you to achieve! “You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you” (Philippians 4:13)!

  • Remember, there is no room for excuses when it comes to doing the will of God.

We all need to be encouraged, exhorted, inspired, challenged, even provoked at times to rise up more into that which God has purposed for us. The world situation is such that unless they hear, see and know a demonstration of the Living Jesus Christ, then they will continue to slide into a hopeless and lost eternity.

  • Jesus Christ has saved us to make a positive difference.

  • He has filled us with His Holy Spirit to make us effective witnesses of Him.

If the world does not see Jesus in us, then they don’t see Him at all! Be inspired to know who you are as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ! My heart for you is that you will experience the greatest and grandest times yet in your walk with God and in your service for Jesus Christ the Lord. To do this you will need to have a right and positive confession ~ based on the Word of God ~ that will cause you to rise above every obstacle, and to enable you to triumph in every situation. I pray that your life will not be hindered by the frustration of wanting to serve God and yet not knowing where you fit. So many Christians are disillusioned and frustrated because they are not being trained, equipped and released into their God-ordained calling. 

  • Right now our generation needs every born-again, Holy Spirit-filled Christian believer to be living and occupied in the very centre of God’s will.

  • His heart for us is that we not only know God’s will for our life, but that we prove God’s will for our life by our living and walking in it (Romans 12:1-2)! Jesus said: “The labourers are few!” (see Matthew 9:35-38).

  • Does this not concern us?

  • We DO reap what we sow! (see Galatians 6:1-10).

  • We ARE the products of our believing, or our not believing!

The Holy Spirit, Who lives inside of every born-again, Holy Spirit-filled believer, is power for service (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8).Service, not simply an added blessing! We cannot experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit ~ which is power for service ~ and then simply sit in church or meetings as passive hearers only. That frustrates the Holy Spirit within us! And if He is frustrated within us, you can guarantee we will be frustrated more! Be where you are able to function in your giftings! So . . .

  • What obstacles are there in the way?

  • What decisions need to be made?

  • What excuses need to be deleted?

  • What is stopping you?

  • What changes need to be made?

  • What challenges need to be faced up to?

  • The call and will of God does not just “fall into our laps” ~ we have to pursue it with all our heart.

The fact is that unless we do something about desiring change, then nothing changes! To change means making some definite decisions that show God you are serious about wanting to change for the better. Whatever the time, date and year, YOU CAN cultivate YOUR faith in the Promises of God NOW and be the man or woman He says you can be, and what He has called you to be. It is not too late!

  • Say what God says about you today ~ it really does do wonders, increases your vision, opens up new dimensions to you, and gives opportunity to be a powerful witness for Jesus Christ.

  • Does your faith move mountains ~ or do mountains move your faith?

God’s Word given to you through Jesus Christ and the revelation of the Holy Spirit!He will not fail you. Right now the doors of opportunity are open for those who will hear God’s voice, listen to what He says and are prepared to demonstrate to God by our faith actions that we do believe Him. Faith is an action that is inspired by vision. Faith is demonstrated by what we do with what God says. He is speaking today to His people.

“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, ‘Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them’” (Mark 11:23-24, NKJV).

Other helpful Scriptures to consider: Isaiah 6 and 54; Acts 2; Hebrews 11.

  "The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  , New Zealand.  Email gfm@gospel.org.nz


"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry.  New Zealand.  Email gfm@gospel.org.nz

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