John's Gospel Bible Lessons  King James Version


We see in John 12, the Lord Jesus Christ as He relates to four different groups of people, and there are many lessons that we can learn as we study this chapter.

LESSON No. 11 ~ Answer from the King James Bible if possible.

Questions are taken from JOHN Chapter 12:

1. Who did Jesus raise from the dead? __________________________________________________________

 2. Who served the dinner? ________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

 3. Who anointed the feet of Jesus? _____________________________________________________________

 4. What did the woman anoint Jesus with? _______________________________________________________

 5. How did she wipe His feet? _________________________________________________________________

 6. Which disciple complained about the ointment? _________________________________________________

 7. Why did that disciple not care for the poor? _____________________________________________________


8. Who do we have with us always? _________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

9. Why did the people want to see Lazarus? _______________________________________________________


10. Who wanted to put Lazarus to death? _________________________________________________________

11. Why did those men want Lazarus killed? _______________________________________________________


12. What did the people do when they heard Jesus was coming to Jerusalem? ____________________________


13. What did they cry? ________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

14. When did the disciples understand these things? _________________________________________________

15. Who bare record? (v.17) ____________________________________________________________________


16. The Pharisees said (of Jesus), “Behold, _______________________________________________________.

17. From what city did Philip come? ______________________________________________________________

18. What did those Greeks desire of Philip? ______________________________________________________

19. What hour had come? _____________________________________________________________________


20. Jesus said, “Verily ________________ say unto ____________except_______________________________

fall ______________________ and __________ it _________________ but  _________die, it ________________

__________________ much   ______________________________.”                                           (Verse _____)

21. Who shall lose his own life? ________________________________________________________________

22. Who shall keep his life unto life eternal? _______________________________________________________

23. Jesus said, “If any man serve Me, __________________________________________________________.”

24. When Jesus said, “Father, glorify Thy name!” what happened? ____________________________________



25. Some said it ________________________________: others said, __________________________________

26. Jesus said, “Now is the _______________________________________________________________; now

_____________the _____________________________ be ______________________.”               (Verse _____)

27. What did the statement of Verse 32 signify? ____________________________________________________

28. Who knoweth not whither he goeth? __________________________________________________________

29. Why are we to believe in the light? ___________________________________________________________

30. What did Jesus do when He departed? _______________________________________________________

31. Why did the people not believe on Jesus? _____________________________________________________



32. What prophet prophesied those things? _______________________________________________________

33 When did that prophet say those things? _______________________________________________________

34. Why did the believing rulers NOT confess Jesus? ______________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________   (Verse _____)

35. What did they love more than the praise of God? _______________________________________________

36. Who should not abide in darkness? __________________________________________________________

37. Jesus did not come to ____________________________ but to ___________________________________

38. In the last day, what shall condemn those who reject Me? (Jesus) __________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

39. Who gave Jesus a commandment what to say? ________________________________________________

40. What is His commandment?­­­­­­­­ _______________________________________________________________

John tells us that Jesus "came unto His own [world], and His own [people] received Him not" (John 1:11). In the first twelve chapters, John presented one witness after another,  and one proof after another, to convince us that Jesus is indeed the Christ the Son of God. All of this evidence was seen by the leaders of the nation, and yet they rejected His claims. Having been rejected by "His own" nation, Jesus then retired with "His own" discipleswhom He dearly loved. (John 13:1)

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
