John's Gospel Bible Lessons  King James Version


These Bible Lessons have been compiled for your growth in God, and they will bless you as you study and come to know God in a greater way. He loves you!

LESSON No. 7 ~ Answer from the King James Bible if possible.

Questions 1 – 34 are taken from JOHN Chapter 8:

 1. Where did Jesus go early in the morning?  ______________________________________________________

 2. What did Jesus do in that place? ______________________________________________________________

 3. Who brought the sinful woman to Jesus? _______________________________________________________

 4. Why did they ask Jesus concerning that woman? (v.4-6) __________________________________________


 5. What did Jesus do with His finger? ____________________________________________________________

 6. Who was to cast the first stone at the woman? ______________________________________ (Verse _____)

 7. Why did no one cast a stone at the woman? _____________________________________________________

 8. Jesus said to her, “ Neither ___________________________, go ____________________________________

 9. Who is the Light of the world? ________________________________________________________________

10. Who shall not walk in darkness?  “___________________________________________________________.”

11. Who judged Jesus after the flesh? (v.13-15) ____________________________________________________

12. Jesus said, “If ye had known Me, ye should ____________________________________________________.”

13.  Where did Jesus speak those words? _________________________________________________________

14. Why did no man lay hands on Him? ___________________________________________________________

15. Who would die in their sins? (v.24) ____________________________________________________________


16. Who taught Jesus the things He spake? _______________________________________________________

17. What did Jesus always do? _________________________________________________________________

18. How do we become Jesus’ disciples? ________________________________________________________

19. What does the truth do? ___________________________________________________________________

20. Who is the servant of sin? _________________________________________________________________

21. What happens when the Son makes us free? __________________________________________________

22. Why did those Jews seek to kill Jesus? _______________________________________________________

23. Who did the Jews say was their father? _______________________________________________________

24. Why were they not that man’s children? _______________________________________________________


25. Who did Jesus say their father was? (v.44) ____________________________________________________

26. What was the devil from the beginning? _______________________________________________________

27. The devil is also the father of _______________________________________________________________

28. Who heareth God’s words? ________________________________________________________________

29. Who shall never see death? ________________________________________________________________

30. The Jews believed Jesus had a _________________________________________      (Verse ____or ­____)

31. Who rejoiced to see Jesus’ day? ____________________________________________________________

32. Jesus said, “Before _______________________ was, _________________.”                       (Verse _____)

33. What did the people take up to cast at Jesus? __________________________________________________

34. “But _________________________ and went out of the______________ going____________ the ________________of them, and so __________________by.”   

Questions 35 – 40 are taken from ISAIAH Chapter 12:

35. Who is our strength? _________________________________________________________   (Verse _____)

36. He is also become _______________________________________________________ ____ (Verse _____)

37. How are we to draw water out of the wells of Salvation? __________________________________________

38. What are we to declare among the people? ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________     (Verse _____)

39. Why are we to Sing unto the Lord?  _________________________________________________________ 

40. Why are we to Cry out and shout? __________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

Whose child are you? Is God your Father because you have received Jesus Christ into your life? Or is Satan your father because you are depending on a counterfeit righteousness, a "works righteousness," not the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ?

But to all who believed Him and accepted him, He gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.

John 1:12;13 NLT

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
