John's Gospel Bible Lessons  King James Version


Our words can disappear like foot-prints in the sand. Do you want to hear the Holy Spirit? Listen to Jesus’ words. Do you want to know how to live?  Jesus’ words will bring Spirit and life ~ eternal life, to you!

LESSON No. 5 ~ Answer from the King James Bible if possible.

Questions 1-30 are taken from JOHN Chapter 6:

 1. What is another name for the sea of Tiberias? __________________________________________________      

 2. Why did the multitude follow Jesus? ___________________________________________________________

 3. What feast of the Jews was nigh? _____________________________________________________________

 4. Why did Jesus ask Philip about buying bread? ___________________________________________________

 5. What did the young boy have with him? ________________________________________________________

 6. How many men were there? _________________________________________________________________

 7. What did Jesus do with the loaves? ____________________________________________________________


 8. What did those men say of Jesus? _____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

 9. Why did Jesus depart into the mountain alone? ___________________________________________________


10. How did Jesus go to His disciples in the ship? ___________________________________________________

11. Why did the people go to Capernaum? _________________________________________________________

12. What are we to labour for? ___________________________________________________________________

13. What are we not to labour for? _______________________________________________________________

14. Who hath God the Father sealed? ____________________________________________________________

15. What is the work of God? _______________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

16. Where does the true bread come from? ________________________________________________________

17. Who shall never hunger? ____________________________________________________________________

18. Who shall never thirst? ___________________________________________________________________

19. Who will Jesus not cast out? _______________________________________________________________

20. Jesus came down from heaven – what for? ____________________________________________________


21. Who comes to Jesus? (v45) ________________________________________________________________


22. What happens to those who eat of the living bread? _____________________________________________

23. Jesus’ flesh is _____________________ and His blood is ___________________________________ (v55)

24. Where did Jesus preach those words? ________________________________________________________

25. WHAT is it that quickeneth? _______________________________________________________________

26. What does the flesh profit? _____________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

27. What are the words of Jesus? (v.63) _________________________________________________________

28. What did Simon Peter answer Jesus? ________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

29. What were the disciples sure about? _________________________________________________________


30. Which disciple was a devil? ________________________________________________________________


Questions 31 – 40 are taken from PSALM 147:

31. Give two reasons why it is good to sing praises to our God: (1) _____________________________________

(2) _______________________________________________________________________________________

32. What does the Lord do to the broken in heart? _________________________________________________

33. What does He do with their wounds? _________________________________________________________

34. Who does the Lord lift up? _____________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

35. Who does He cast down? __________________________________________________________________

36. With what does God cover the heaven with? ___________________________________________________

37. Who does the Lord take pleasure in? (1) _________________________________________________

 (2) __________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

38. What does God send forth upon the earth? ___________________________________________________

39. What runs very swiftly? _______________________________________________________ (Verse _____)

40. How does God melt the snow and ice? _______________________________________________________

In what way has this Lesson spoken to you? ______________________________________________________


From:      Footprints In The Sand

You promised me Lord, that if I followed You,
You would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods
Of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed You most, You have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The times when you have
Seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you.”   

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
