'Book of Ephesians' Bible Lessons  King James Version


These words of farewell from Paul to the saints at Ephesus are our prayer for you, your home, family and Christian fellowship.  God bless you abundantly as you live each day in the knowledge of what Paul has shared with you from the Book of Ephesians.  

LESSON  No. 7 ~ Answer  from the King James Bible if possible.

Questions are taken from EPHESIANS Chapter 6:


1. What should children do? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Why should children do this? ________________________________________________________________

3. Who should we honour? _______________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

4. Why should we honour them? _______________________________________________________________


5. What will this honour cause us to do? _________________________________________________________

6.  What are fathers not to do? _________________________________________________________________ 

7.  What should fathers do with their children? _____________________________________________________


8.  What are servants to be?  __________________________________________________________________

9.  How are servants to serve their masters? ______________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

10. Servants are not to serve as ________________________________________________________________

11. “But  as the ______________________________doing the _______________________________________

_________________________ heart.”

12. What are servants to do from the heart? ______________________________________________________

13. “With_________________ will  ___________________________ as to __________________and ________

      ____________________________________ .” (Verse _____ ).

14. What are servants to know? ________________________________________________________________


15. What are masters to do? ___________________________________________________________________

16. What are masters to forbear? _______________________________________________________________

17. What are masters to know? ________________________________________________________________

18. Is there respect of persons with the Lord? (Write “Yes” or “No”) ____________________ (Verse _____ ).

19. What does Paul exhort his brethren (us) to be? (1) ______________________________________________

       (2)____________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

20. What are we to put on? ____________________________________________________________________

21. Why are we to put this on? _________________________________________________________________


22. What do we not wrestle against? ____________________________________________________________

23. What is our wrestle against? (1) ________________________ (2) __________________________________

  (3) _______________________________________________________ (4) ____________________________


24. What are we to take unto us? _______________________________________________________________

25. What should we be able to do in the evil day? __________________________________________________

26. With what are we to have our loins girt about? __________________________________________________

27. What are we to have on? __________________________________________________________________

28. What should our feet be shod with?_______________ ___________________________________________

29. Above all, what are we to take? _____________________________________________(Verse _____ ).

30. What do we do with this shield?  ____________________________________________________________

31. From where do the fiery darts come? _________________________________________________________

32. What helmet do we take? __________________________________________________________________

33. What sword do we take?  __________________________________________________________________

34. What is the sword of the Spirit? ________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

35. With what are we to pray? _________________________________________________________________


36. What are we to pray in? ___________________________________________________________________

37. How are we to watch? _____________________________________________________________________

38. What did Paul want the brethren to pray for him?________________________________________________



39. What kind of ambassador did Paul liken himself to for the Gospel? __________________________________

40. What kind of man was Tychicus? ____________________________________________________________


41. “___________ be to  ___________________ and ______________ with  ___________ from ____________

___________ and  ____________________________________ .  Grace be ___________________ them that

_____________________________________________ in _______________________________ Amen.”

Our prayer is that you have been richly blessed as a result of going through these Bible Lesson.

What an encouragement it is to be a part of the family of God! Nowhere in the New Testament do we find an isolated believer. Christians are like sheep; they flock together. The church is an army and the soldiers need to stand together and fight together.

Note the words Paul used as he closed   Peace-Love-Faith-Grace!

He was a prisoner of Rome, yet he was richer than the emperor. No matter what our circumstances may be, in Jesus Christ we are "blessed with all spiritual blessings"!

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

