'Book of Ephesians' Bible Lessons  King James Version


'Book of Ephesians' Bible Lessons  King James VersionWe continue with the Fourth Chapter of the Book of Ephesians, which teaches us what we were without Christ – how we are now with Jesus ministering His truth to us – that we must be renewed in the spirit of our mind – we put off the “old man” and put on the “new man,” which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.  We are also taught that we do not have to give in to the devil and not to grieve the Holy Spirit Who lives in us. Through Christ we are a new creation and, by taking heed to the Word of the Lord, we will be able to show by our conduct and manner that this is so. God is working in your life right now, making you more like Jesus. Yield yourself to Him and He will cause others to see Jesus in you.  Christ will accomplish far more than we may ever realize. Often it is our educated intellect and reasoning which robs us of the true impact of the Gospel promises

LESSON  No. 5 ~ KJV ~ Answer from the King James Bible If possible. 

Questions are taken from EPHESIANS Chapter 4,  Verses 17–32

1. How do other Gentiles walk? ______________________________________________________________

 2. What is wrong with their understanding? _____________________________________________________

 3. What are they alienated from? _____________________________________________________________

 4. What is in them? ________________________________________________________________________

 5. What is wrong with their heart? _____________________________________________________________

 6. What have they given themselves over to?____________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________________  (Verse _____ ).

7. Who are the Christians taught by? ___________________________________________________________

 8.  What is in Jesus?_______________________________________________________________________

 9. What are we to put off? ___________________________________________________________________

10. Why are we to put off the old man? _________________________________________________________


11. What are we to be renewed in? ____________________________________________________________

12. What are we to put on? _________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

13. What is the new man created in? ___________________________________________________________

14. What are we to put away? ________________________________________________________________

15. What are we to speak with our neighbour? ___________________________________________________

16. Who are we members of? ________________________________________________________________

17. “Be ye  ___________________________ and  _____________________________.” (Verse _____ ).

18. What are we not to let the sun go down on? __________________________________________________

19. Who are we not to give place to? ___________________________________________________________

20. What is he who has stole to do? ___________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

21. What is he to do with his hands? ___________________________________________________________

22. What is he to do to him that needeth? _______________________________________________________

23. What is not to proceed out of our mouth? ____________________________________________________

24. What is to proceed out of our mouth? _______________________________________________________


25. What should our speech minister? __________________________________________________________

26. Who are we not to grieve? ________________________________________________________________

27. What does the Holy Spirit do to us? _________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

28. For how long does the Holy Spirit do this to us? _______________________________________________

29. What six things are to be put away from us? (1) ______________________ (2) ______________________

  (3) _________________________ (4) ___________________________ (5) __________________________

  (6) _____________________________________________________________________________________

30. What are we to be one to another? (1) _______________________ (2) ____________________________

   (3) ____________________________________________________________________________________

31. Who has forgiven you? ___________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).

32. For whose sake have you been forgiven? ________________________________________________


Be Transformed!

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:2).

Words affect your thoughts.

Thoughts affect your emotions.

Emotions affect your decisions.

Decisions affect your actions.

Actions affect your habits.

Habits affect your character.

Character affects your destination.

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
