'Book of Ephesians' Bible Lessons King James Version
The Apostle Paul has a revelation from heaven to impart to you – and he wants you to receive it, to know it, and to live in the reality of it. On the one hand, Paul sees himself as “less than the least of all saints,” and yet on the other he knows that it is God’s will for us to be “filled with all the fullness of God.” Beloved, you are very much a part of God’s plan and purpose in this very hour of time – let His power work in you. Expect Him to fill you with all His good blessings, starting right now. Let the Spirit of wisdom and revelation open the eyes of your understanding (Chapter 1:17-18) to see yourself in Christ – and Christ in you.
Answer from the King James Bible if possible.
Questions are taken from EPHESIANS Chapter 3:
1. What does Paul refer to himself as? _________________________________________________________
2. What is the dispensation Paul is talking about? ________________________________________________
3. How did God make known to Paul the mystery? _______________________________________________
4. What does he want us to do when we read? __________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________(Verse _____ ).
5. Was this mystery known in other ages? ______________________________________________________
6. Who is this mystery revealed unto? _________________________________________________________
7. How is this mystery revealed? _____________________________________________________________
8. “That the Gentiles ____ ___________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________. ”(Verse _____ ).
9. How was Paul made a servant of the Gospel? ________________________________________________
10. How was this gift given unto Paul? “By the ________________________________________________ .”
11. What was Paul to preach among the Gentiles? ________________________________________________
12. What was Paul “to make all men see”? ______________________________________________________
13. Who did God create all things by? __________________________________________________________
14. Where are principalities and powers found? __________________________________________________
15. What does God want the Church to know? __________________________________________________
16. Is God’s purpose eternal or temporal? _____________________________________________________
17. “According to the ________________________________ which _______________________ in
Christ __________________ our _____________________.” (Verse _____ ).
18. What do we have in Jesus? (v.12) (1) _____________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________________________
19. How do we have these things in Jesus? “By ________________________________________________ .”
20. What did Paul desire that we faint not at? ___________________________________________________
21. For whose glory did Paul have these things? ________________________________________________
22. Who did Paul bow his knee unto? _________________________________________________________
23. Of whom is the whole family named after? __________________________________________________
24. Where is the whole family to be found? ________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).
25. What did Paul pray that God would grant us? _______________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ ).
26. How are we to be strengthened? (verse 16) _________________________________________________
27. Where are we to be strengthened? ________________________________________________________
28. This is all “according ____________________________________________________ .” (v.16)
29. Who dwells in our hearts? _______________________________________________________________
30. How does He dwell in our hearts? _________________________________________________________
31. Christ’s dwelling in our hearts will cause us to be _____________________________________________
32. With whom are we able to comprehend? ____________________________________________________
33. What are we able to comprehend? (1) _____________________________________________________
(2) _____________________ (3) ____________________________ (4) _________________________
34. What are we to know? (v.19) _____________________________________________________________
35. What does Christ’s love do? ______________________________________________________________
36. With what will Christ’s love and knowledge cause us to be filled? _________________________________
37. What is God able to do? _________________________________________________________________
38. How does God do this? “According to ____________________________________________________.”
39. Where is God’s glory to be? ______________________________________________________________
40. How else does God place His glory there? ___________________________________________________
41. For how long is God’s glory to be there? _____________________________________________________
May you feel the power of God’s love for you as a result of your studying this Chapter. How precious is Jesus! He really cares for you, and He is worthy to be served every day! God Bless You!
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: