John's Gospel Bible Lessons  New International Version


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and Jesus declares that the truth will set you free. The Holy Spirit brings freedom to us! Know His freedom today!

LESSON No.16 ~  Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions are taken from JOHN Chapter 18:

1. What did Jesus cross with His disciples? _______________________________________________________

 2. What was on the other side? _________________________________________________________________

 3. Who else knew the place? __________________________________________________________________

 4. Who did Judas guide? ______________________________________________________________________

      ____________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

 5. What were they carrying? ___________________________________________________________________

 6. What did Jesus know? _____________________________________________________________________

 7. Who did the men want? _____________________________________________________________________

 8. What happened when Jesus said, “I am He”? ___________________________________________________


 9. What words were fulfilled? __________________________________________________________________

     ______________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

10. Who had the sword? ______________________________________________________________________

11. What did he do with the sword? ______________________________________________________________

  ________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

12. What was the servant’s name? ______________________________________________________________

13. What did Jesus command Peter to do with his sword? ___________________________________________

14. “Shall I ___________________ the_______________________________ has ________________ me?”

15. What did the Jewish officials do to Jesus? _____________________________________________________

16. Who did they bring Jesus to first? ____________________________________________________________

17. Who was the high priest that year? ___________________________________________________________

18. What advice did that high priest give to the Jews? _______________________________________________


19. To where did the “another disciple” follow Jesus? _______________________________________________

20. What did the girl on duty, ask Peter? _________________________________________________________


21. What was Peter’s reply? ___________________________________________________________________

22. What did the high priest question Jesus about? (1) ______________________________________________

  (2)_____________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

23. “I _____________________________ to the ______________,” Jesus replied. “I _____________________

  ________________ in ____________________ or at _____________________, where___________________

  __________________________________ I said ______________________________________.” (Verse 20)

24. What did one of the officials do? _____________________________________________________________

25. How many times did Peter deny Jesus? _______________________________________________________

26. What happened after Peter’s last denial? ______________________________________________________

27. Why did they not enter the palace? ___________________________________________________________

28. What did Christ’s accusers want to eat? _______________________________________________________

29. What charge were they bringing against Jesus? ________________________________________________

30. How did Pilate want the Jews to judge Jesus? __________________________________________________

31. Why did the Jews not want Jesus to be judged according to their law? _______________________________


32. What did Pilate ask Jesus when he went back into the palace again? ________________________________

  ______________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

33. Who had handed Jesus over to Pilate? _______________________________________________________

34. Jesus said, “My kingdom ______________________________________________________.”

35. What would have happened if His kingdom was of this world? _____________________________________


36. Who said to Jesus, “You are a king, then!”? ____________________________________________________

37. Why was Jesus born? _____________________________________________________________________

38. For what reason did Jesus come into the world? ________________________________________________

39. Who listens to Jesus’? ________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

40. What did Pilate find in Jesus? _______________________________________________________________


41. What was the Jews custom? ________________________________________________________________


42. Who did the people want released? ______________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

43. In what had that man taken part? _______________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

The Christian life is not about your past, because your past has been cleansed by the blood of Christ.

Once you are born again the only condemnation you encounter are the lies and accusations the enemy uses to attack you.

Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:7-8

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
