John's Gospel Bible Lessons  New International Version


The Holy Spirit anoints, empowers, and fills us with the ability to make right decisions based on the very character of God as revealed in His Word. Trust Him and see.

LESSON No.14 ~  Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions 1-30 are taken from JOHN Chapter 16:

1. Why did Jesus tell these things to us? (v1) _____________________________________________________

 2. Of what shall we be put out? ________________________________________________________________

 3. What will those who kill Christians think? ______________________________________________________

 4. Why will these things happen to us? __________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

 5. Why has Jesus warned us about these things? _________________________________________________


 6. Why were the disciples filled with grief? _______________________________________________________

 7. Why did Jesus have to go away? ____________________________________________________________

 8. In regard to what will the Counselor convict the world of guilt? (1) __________________________________   

  (2) _______________________________________ (3) ___________________________________________

 9. Why will He convict of sin? _________________________________________________________________

10. Why will He convict of righteousness? _______________________________________________________


11. Why will He convict of judgment? __________________________________________________________


12. Who now stands condemned?             ________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

13. Who will guide us into all truth? _____________________________________________________________

14. What shall the Counselor speak? ___________________________________________________________

15. What will the Counselor tell us? ____________________________________________________________

16. To whom shall the Counselor bring glory? ____________________________________________________

17. What belongs to Jesus’? (v.15) _____________________________________________________________

18. What was the disciples’ grief going to be turned into? ____________________________________________

19. When were the disciples going to rejoice? _____________________________________________________

20. “You will rejoice, ________________________________________________________________________.”

21. “I tell ____________________________ My Father ____________________ you _____________________

you      _____________ in      _______________________________ .” (Verse 23)

22. Why should we ask? _____________________________________________________________________

23. How did Jesus speak to them? _____________________________________________________________

24. Give two reasons why the Father loves us: (1) _________________________________________________

  (2) ______________________________________________________________________________________

25. From where did Jesus come? ______________________________________________________________

26. What could the disciples now see? __________________________________________________________


27. What time had now come? _________________________________________________________________

28. What do we have in Jesus? ______________________________________ (Verse _____ )

29. What will the Christian have in this world? _____________________________________________________

30. Why should we take heart? _________________________________________________________________

Questions 31 – 40 are taken from ISAIAH Chapter 35:

31. What will blossom like the crocus? ___________________________________________________________

32. How will it rejoice? (v2) ____________________________________________________________________

33. What are we to say to those with fearful hearts? ________________________________________________


34. Name four things that will happen when God comes to save us:

  (1) ________________________________________ (2) ___________________________________________

__________________________________ (3) _________________________________________________

(4) ___________________________________________________ (Verses _____ & _____ )

35. What shall gush forth in the wilderness and desert? ______________________________________________

36. What shall the highway be called? ___________________________________________________________

37. Who will not journey on it? _________________________________________________________________

38. Who will walk there? ______________________________________________________________________

39. How do we enter Zion? ____________________________________________________________________


40. What shall flee away? ____________________________________________________________________

There is joy when we allow God to transform sorrow into joy.

There is joy when God answers prayer.

There is joy when we overcome the world.

Let there be joy!

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
