John's Gospel Bible Lessons  New International Version


The teachings of Jesus will help you to grow into a strong Christian.  Remember you are never alone.  When you need advice, the Holy Spirit counsels you. When you need comforting, the Holy Spirit lifts you up in God’s mercy and compassion.  When you need truth, He reveals all truth to you.  When you are weak, He strengthens you

LESSON No. 12 ~  Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions 1-15 are taken from JOHN Chapter 13:

  1. Who did Jesus show the full extent of His love to? _______________________________________


 2. What did the devil prompt Judas’ to do? _________________________________________________

 3. What has the Father put under Jesus’ power? ____________________________________________

 4. What did Jesus do to the disciples’ feet? (1) _____________________________________________

  (2) _______________________________________________________________________________

 5. Did Jesus know who would betray Him? (Yes or No) _________________ (Verse _____ )

 6. What was the example Jesus set us? ___________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

 7. Who is not greater than his master? ____________________________________________________

 8. Why was Jesus troubled in spirit? ______________________________________________________

 9. What was the disciple whom Jesus loved, doing? (v23) _____________________________________

10. To whom did Jesus give the piece of bread? _____________________________________________

11. What happened to that person then? ___________________________________________________

12. “When _______was __________ , Jesus said, ________________ the Son of Man  _____________

and  ________ is ____________________________ Him.”   (Verse _____ )

13. What is Jesus’ new Commandment? ___________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

  14. How shall all men know we are Jesus’ disciples? _________________________________________

15. What is going to happen before the rooster crows? ________________________________________


Questions 16 – 35 are taken from JOHN Chapter 14:


16. What are in My Father’s house? ______________________________________________________

17. What was Jesus going there to do? ____________________________________________________

18. Jesus answered, “I ______ the ________________ the _________ and _______________.  No ___

_________________________________________ except __________________ .” (Verse _____ )

19. What was Jesus’ answer to Philip’s question? ____________________________________________


20. Anyone who has seen Jesus has seen _________________________________________________

21. Who is doing His works? ____________________________________________________________

22. Who will do what He (Jesus) has been doing? ___________________________________________

23. What will Jesus do for us? ___________________________________________________________

24. What is another name for the Counselor? _______________________________________________

25. How long shall the Counselor be with us? _______________________________________________

26. Give two reasons why the world cannot accept the Counselor (1) ____________________________

  (2) ________________________________________________________________________________

27. In verse 20, what “DAY” was Jesus speaking of? (Read v.15-26) _____________________________


28. Who is it that loves Jesus? ___________________________________________________________

29. To whom does Jesus intend to show Himself? ___________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

30. Jesus said, “He who does not love Me ________________________________________________ .”

31. Who sends the Counselor? __________________________________________________________

32. Name two things the Counselor does: (1) _______________________________________________

  (2) ________________________________________________________________________________

33. What does Jesus leave with, and give to us? ____________________________________________

34. Why did Jesus tell them those things before they happened? ________________________________

________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

35. Who has no hold on Jesus? __________________________________________________________

We do not have to wait until we enter heaven to get to know the Father. We can know Him today and receive from Him the spiritual resources we need to keep going when the days are difficult.

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
