John's Gospel Bible Lessons  New International Version


Our prayer for you is that you will have open eyes to see God, open ears to hear Him, and an open heart to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you as you study these Bible Lessons. He is there with you, right now.

LESSON No.9 ~  Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions 1-31 are taken from JOHN Chapter 10

1. Who is a thief and a robber?________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why do the sheep follow the shepherd?_______________________________________________________

3. Who will the sheep never follow?____________________________________________________________

 4. Why do the sheep not follow that person?_____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

 5. WHO is the gate for the sheep?____________________________________________________________

 6. What happens when a man enters through that gate?___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

7. For what three things does the thief come? (1) _______________ (2) _____________ (3)_______________ 
8. For what did Jesus come?_________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

 9. Jesus said: “I ______ the ________________________.  The     __________ shepherd_________________

________ His ____________ for the ______________________.”  (Verse _____ )

10. Who runs away when the wolf comes?______________________________________________________

11. Why does this person run away when the wolf comes?__________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

12. What does the wolf do to the flock?_________________________________________________________

13. For what reason does the Father love Jesus?_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

14. What did Jesus have authority to do?___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________(Verse _____ )

15. Why were the Jews again divided?______________________________________________________

16. Many of them said, “__________________________________________________________________


17. Others said, “_______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________.”

18. What feast was on in the winter?________________________________________________________

19. At what city was the feast? _______________________________________________  (Verse _____ )

20. What speak for Jesus?_______________________________________________________________

21. Why did the Jews not believe?__________________________________________________________

22. To what do Jesus’ sheep listen? ___________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

23. What does Jesus give to His sheep?_____________________________________________________

24. Who is Greater than all?______________________________________________________________

25. Jesus said: “I and the ___________________ are ___________________________ .”   (Verse _____ )

26. Give two reasons why the Jews were going to stone Jesus (1)_________________________________


27. What cannot be broken? _________________________________________________  (Verse _____ )

28. Why are we to believe the miracles of Jesus?______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

29. What happened when the Jews tried to seize Jesus again?___________________________________

30. How many miraculous signs did John do?_________________________________________________

31. “All that John said about this man _____________________________________________________ .”

Questions 32 – 40 are taken from PSALM 100:

32. What are we to do to the Lord?_________________________________________________________

33. How are we to worship the Lord? ___________________________________________(Verse _____ )

34. How are we to come before Him?_______________________________________________________

35. What are we to know?_______________________________________________________________

36. “We are His people, the _____________________________________________________________.”

37. How are we to enter into His gates? _____________________________________________________

38.  How are we to enter into His courts? ____________________________________________________

39.  What endures forever? __________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

40. What continues through all generations? ___________________________________________________

The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. They get to know Him better by listening to His voice (the Word) and experiencing His daily care. As the sheep follow the Shepherd, they learn to love and to trust Him. He loves "His own" (John 13:1) and He shows that love by the way He cares for them.

 The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
