John's Gospel Bible Lessons  New International Version


Turn your eyes upon Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to rest upon you as you

seek to answer these questions. He will renew your strength and calm every anxiety. Trust Him and see.

LESSON No.2 ~  Answer from New International Version Bible if possible.

Questions 1- 25 are taken from JOHN Chapter 2:

1. Where was the wedding? _____________________________________________________________________

2. Who was invited to the wedding?_______________________________________________________________ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

3. What did Jesus’ mother say to the servants? _________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

4. How many water jars were there?_______________________________________________________________

5. What were the water jars made of?_____________________________________________________________

6. What did Jesus say to the servants?____________________________________________________________

7. What did Jesus tell the servants to do with the water?_______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What did the master of the banquet think of his drink?_______________________________________________

9. What did this miracle reveal?__________________________________________________________________

10. Who put their faith in Jesus? _____________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

11. In what city was the temple?__________________________________________________________________

12. What did Jesus find in the temple courts?_______________________________________________________


13. What did Jesus make?______________________________________________________________________

14. What did He do to those in the temple?_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

15. What did Jesus do to the changers’ money?_____________________________________________________

16. What did Jesus do to the tables?______________________________________________________________

17. What had the people made His Father’s house?__________________________________________________

18. What writing did the disciples remember?______________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

19. What sign was Jesus going to give the Jews?___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

20. What temple was Jesus speaking of?_________________________________________________________

21. When did the disciples recall this?____________________________________________________________

22. What did the disciples believe?______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

23. When did many believe in Jesus’ name?_______________________________________________________


24. Why did Jesus not entrust Himself to them?____________________________________________________

25. Who knows what is in man?_________________________________________________________________

Questions 26 – 45 are taken from PROVERBS Chapter 11:

26. What does the Lord abhor?_________________________________________________________________

27. What is His delight? __________________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

28. What comes with pride?  ___________________________________________________________________

29. What is found with humility? ___________________________________________ _________(Verse _____ )

30. What delivers from death?__________________________________________________________________

31. How are the wicked brought down?___________________________________________________________

32. How are the unfaithful trapped?______________________________________________________________

33. What happens to the hope of a wicked man?___________________________________________________

34. What does the godless do with his mouth?_____________________________________________________

35. How is a city exalted?_____________________________________________________________________

36. What does a man of understanding do?_______________________________________________________

37. Who betrays a confidence? ____________________________________________________ (Verse _____ )

38. What does the kind man do? _______________________________________________________________

39. What shall happen to him that sows righteousness?______________________________________________

40. What will happen to a generous man ?________________________________________________________

41. What happens to him that trusts in his riches?__________________________________________________

42. Who will thrive like a green leaf?_____________________________________________________________

43. Who shall inherit only wind__________________________________________________________________

44. What is the fruit of the righteous? ____________________________________________________________

45. Who is wise? (v.30)­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________________________________________________

Jesus Christ is transforming lives today. Wherever He finds a believer who is willing to yield to His will, listen to His Word, and follow His way, He begins to transform that believer and accomplish remarkable things in that life, and He also begins to do wonderful things through that life.

We are still here and God wants to use us.  Are you available for God to use you?  What a responsibility! What a privilege!  God bless you!

    The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                               
