Divine Healing Bible Lessons  King James Version


In this study, we will be looking into the healing ministry of the Apostle Peter. May you find it most rewarding as you meditate on what the Scriptures have to declare. God bless you richly as you equip yourself with the Scriptures on Divine Healing

Your first Scripture to study is  The  Book  of  ACTS  3:1-16: 

“The  Apostle Peter.”

 1. Who went up together into the temple? _________________________________________________________

 2. What did they usually do at the ninth hour? ______________________________________________________

 3. What was wrong with the man at the gate? ______________________________________________________

 4. What was that man doing at the gate? __________________________________________________________

 5. What did Peter say when he fastened his eyes on him? ____________________________________________

 6. What was the man expecting? ________________________________________________________________

 7. “Then __________ said, Silver and gold _______________________; but __________________________ give

     I ____________: In the _________________________ of Nazareth ________________ and ______________”

     (Verse ______ ).

 8. Then what did Peter do? _____________________________________________________________________

 9. What happened to the man? __________________________________________________________________


10. What did that man do? ______________________________________________________________________

11. Who did that man give praise to? ______________________________________________________________

12. What were the people filled with? _____________________________________________________________

13. In that healing, whom did God glorify? __________________________________________________________

14. What had made that man strong? (v.16) ________________________________________________________

15. What had faith given to that man? _____________________________________________________________

(For further study we suggest you read right through to Acts 4:22)

We move on now to  The  Book  of  ACTS  5:12-16:

16. What were done by the hands of the apostles? ___________________________________________________

17. Who were added to the Lord? ________________________________________________________________

18. What did the believers bring forth? ___________________________________________________________

19. What did they lay them on? ________________________________________________________________

20. Why did they do this? _____________________________________________________________________


21. What were some people vexed with? _________________________________________________________

22. “And they ___________________________ every ___________” (Verse _____ ).

After meditating on what you have just read, please turn to  The  Book  of  ACTS  9:32-43:

23. How long had AEnneas been in bed? _________________________________________________________

24. What was wrong with him? _________________________________________________________________

25. What did Peter say to him? _________________________________________________________________


26. What did Aeneas do? _____________________________________________________________________

27. What did the people do when they saw this? ___________________________________________________

28. What was Dorcas full of? __________________________________________________________________

29. What happened to her? ____________________________________________________________________

30. For whom did the disciples send? ____________________________________________________________

31. What did he do with the weeping widows? _____________________________________________________

32. Then what did Peter do? ___________________________________________________________________

33. What did he say to the dead body? ___________________________________________________________

34. What did Dorcas do? ______________________________________________________________________

35. What did she do when she saw Peter? ________________________________________________________

36. What did Peter do when he called the saints and widows? ________________________________________

37. What did this miracle cause many to do? ______________________________________________________

The healing Ministry is very much used of God to cause people to believe in Him. Peter demonstrated this very clearly: when people were healed, it caused others to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. A negative stand on Divine Healing can keep people outside the Kingdom of God – and that is a very serious matter indeed! Pray for a mighty outpouring of the healing ministry in your life, in your church, in your neighbourhood…………for the world surely needs it. “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him” (James 5:13-20).

Peter also preached about Jesus and His power to heal (Acts 10:38).

