Divine Healing Bible Lessons  King James Version


WHAT A BLESSED PRIVILEGE is ours to be found spending this time together searching the Word of God. In Lesson 5 we look at some more miracles of healing in the ministry of Jesus. May His presence fill you as you receive and believe in His Word.

Our first Scripture portion for study is  St.  LUKE’S  GOSPEL   6:6-11: “The  Withered  Hand  Healed.”

  1. What was wrong with the man in the synagogue?_______________________________________________

 2. Why were the Scribes and Pharisees watching Jesus? ____________________________________________


 3. What did Jesus know? _____________________________________________________________________

 4. What did Jesus say to the man? _____________________________________________________________

 5. What did the man do? _____________________________________________________________________

 6. What did Jesus tell the man to do? ___________________________________________________________

 7. What did the man do? _____________________________________________________________________

 8. What happened to his hand? ________________________________________________________________

 9. How did the Pharisees re-act to this healing? ___________________________________________________

                                     (You can read more on this healing in Matthew 12:9-13 and Mark 3:1-6)

Turn now to St.  JOHN’S  GOSPEL  5:1-16 and follow Jesus as He heals the impotent (powerless, weak, without strength) man:

10. Who lay in the five porches at Bethesda? ______________________________________________________


11. What were all these people waiting for? _______________________________________________________

12. Why were they waiting for the troubling of the water? ____________________________________________


13. Jesus came to this pool and saw a man who had been impotent for 38 years. The man could not help himself

      and was always beaten into the pool by someone else. It seemed he would never be healed. Then Jesus asked

      him an important question: What was it?_______________________________________________________

14. It seems that the man’s faith was in the pool rather than in Jesus. However in verse 8 Jesus gave him a

      command. What was it? ___________________________________________________________________

15. What happened to the man? ________________________________________________________________

16. What did he do? _________________________________________________________________________

17. What did Jesus say to the man when He found him in the temple? __________________________________


18. What did the man tell the Jews? (v.15)________________________________________________________

As you will have noticed in many cases throughout the healing ministry of Jesus, it was the religious people who would not receive His wonderful works. They would rather persecute and oppose than to accept and enjoy the blessings of God. It is no different today. Men still try and turn away from the miracle-working power of God.

That is why our faith must be in the Word of God and what it declares.

We shall now turn to a well-known healing which took place in the ministry of Jesus.

It is found in  MARK 10: 46-52.             “Blind  Bartimaeus  Healed.”

19. Who sat by the highway side? ______________________________________________________________

20. What was he doing? ______________________________________________________________________

21. What did he cry out when he heard that it was Jesus? ____________________________________________


22. What did many charge him? ________________________________________________________________

23. What did this cause Bartimaeus to do? ________________________________________________________

24. The cry of Bartimaeus caused Jesus to stand still. He commanded him to be called. What did Bartimaeus

       do? ___________________________________________________________________________________

25. What did Jesus ask him? __________________________________________________________________

26. What did Bartimaeus want Jesus to do for him? _________________________________________________

27. What did Jesus say unto him? “Go________________; thy _____________________________________ .”

28. What happened to Bartimaeus? _____________________________________________________________

29. Who did Batimaeus follow? _________________________________________________________________

(See also Matthew 20:29-34 and Luke 18:35-43)

Our final section of study is found in  St.  LUKE  7:11-17:   “Widow’s  Son  Raised  From  The  Dead.”

30. What was the name of the city? _____________________________________________________________

31. Who was being carried out? ________________________________________________________________

32. This man was the only son of a widow. When Jesus saw her, what did He have on her? _________________

33. What did Jesus do? _______________________________________________________________________

34. Then what did Jesus say? __________________________________________________________________

35. What happened then? _____________________________________________________________________

36. What came on all? _______________________________________________________________________

37. Who did the people glorify? _________________________________________________________________

38. What did they say? (1) ____________________________________________________________________

      (2) ____________________________________________________________________________________

Once again we see there is nothing impossible to God (Luke 1:37, Matthew 19:26 and Jeremiah 12:17-21&27)

Isn’t it exciting that our Saviour is the All-powerful One. You can trust Him with your problem and Know He cares

for you always.

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
