Barnabas Bulletin ~0011

IT is time to take a few minutes to reflect on what we’re about in this life. What is the purpose of your being a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ? It’s about relationship, friendship, and a commitment to the Person of JESUS Himself! Far too often we get away from the simple basics of what being a Christian is all about. We get "bogged down" with the pressures, cut-off times, meetings, etc., things that often we’ve not been called to get "loaded with." If we don’t keep to the purpose for which God called us, we’ll become ineffective, tired and useless in sustaining a growing relationship with Jesus, His people, and His purpose for our life. If we’re not enjoying our Christianity, we’re enduring it!

The Holy Spirit is calling us to simplify our life-styles, to be more available to what He wants of us. Good works outside the request of the Holy Spirit will not produce lasting fruit. They will discourage and disappoint us. They will wear us out.

We’re called to bring about the eternal purposes of God in the lives of others as we partner with the Holy Spirit. Partnering with Him demands personal relationship ! a personal relationship that is close enough to recognize when He is speaking to us, and we know it is Him!

Relationship with the Holy Spirit demands friendship with people. This generation needs a Personal Saviour, built on personal relationship. The people do not need an historical Jesus, nor an intellectual Jesus. They need a Personal Friend. And they meet that Personal Jesus through those who know a Personal Jesus, and who relate Him to others wherever they go. Jesus has to be much more than a set of doctrinal beliefs, or a religious habit! He has to be seen and known to be very real! Surely the best example should be those who call themselves by His Name?

If your Christianity is not based on a personal, living relationship with Jesus Christ, it is time to re-think and re-adjust back to the reality that following Jesus is a very personal thing, built on a very personal relationship with a very Personal Jesus. You’ll never find full satisfaction and contentment until you do. Your good works and/or Bible knowledge alone, will never take the place of a relationship with Jesus, Who is alive in this 21st century. Seek to know Him personally NOW!  -Rodney Francis.

Bible  Readings:  John 17:3; Acts 4:12-13; Psalm 91; Luke 24:30-53; John 14. 

Please Pray This Prayer:

"Lord Jesus, help me to make You Lord of every part of my life. Please help me to keep You in Your rightful position ! that of my Personal Saviour, Lord and Friend. May my focus always be firmly on You and not on my self, or my ministry, or my beliefs. I need You, Lord Jesus, as I am useless without You. Let Your life and light radiate through me in such a way that others can see clearly that we are Personal Friends in this journey called life. Holy Spirit, show me Your priorities for that which You have called me to fulfil here on this earth. I want to turn more and more people to You, and not be guilty of causing others to turn away from You because they do not see You shining in my life. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Friendship and commitment to me. Amen."


The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  = New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
