WELCOME to the Website of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry.
May you be inspired, encouraged and challenged by what you read.

The GFM Ministry has been in operation for over 60 years and continues to grow in its spiritual influence in many countries of the world. Our Message is simple: JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE TODAY to meet your every need through the power of the Holy Spirit! He is only a sincere prayer away! Reach out to Him and find in Him the real answers you need for your daily living.

The GFM Ministry is focused on releasing the Holy Spirit Ministry through the five-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4:11-16) and the nine Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11), Gospel literature through books, booklets, manuals, Gospel Tracts,  Bible  Courses (free).

Living for, and Serving Jesus is very exciting indeed, and we invite you to seek Him while He may be found. The best is yet to come for those who will believe the promises of God!

We have Rodney's Books  in PDF format that can be freely downloaded (see Resources)

God Bless YOU!  Jean Francis 


THE HOLY SPIRIT is God's answer for an overcoming life. He's able and available in every situation we face. He lives inside every born-again, blood-washed, Spirit-filled believer. He is inside us as the voice of God and has come to live within us forever! That makes Him very important indeed! Through Him we have instant and constant contact with Jesus. He is the voice of God to us, bringing to our remembrance those things Jesus has already spoken and also showing us things to come. He brings the revelation of God to us, so that we might know those things that are freely given to us of God. He is God's anointing within us and gives us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of spiritual things. In whatever way we look at the Holy Spirit 

  • He is simply Wonderful!

  • He's Wonderful because He gives us answers to life.

  • He's Wonderful because He lives inside us, leads and guides us.

  • He's Wonderful because He has nine beautiful gifts available for us to bless and build the body of Christ with.

  • He's Wonderful because He brings perception, restoration, healing, wholeness, revelation, and a new way of life and ministry.

Our life and ministry always changes for the better when we allow the Wonderful Holy Spirit to take charge! He just knows such a better way to do things than we do. With the Wonderful Holy Spirit in control there is no need to worry about the rights and wrongs of doing things, no need to get locked into binding programmes or get "all religious" about church and God. He brings freedom, love, peace and joy when He is able to have His way. It is amazing, really, that we Christians don't trust the Wonderful Holy Spirit much more than we do.

Why don't we let go the control, and give it all over to Him Who has been sent to lead us ever closer to Jesus and  His  ways?  We will never  regret "selling out" to the Wonderful Holy Spirit.  He's  available  to  you  at  all times. 

What are you doing with the Wonderful Holy Spirit  Who has already been sent to you?  It's your move next! May God's richest blessings be on you as you endeavour to obey the Wonderful Holy Spirit more and more.  - Rodney W. Francis.

Bible  Readings:  

Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Acts 10:38; Ephesians 1:13-19; Colossians 1:7-15; 1 Corinthians 2.

Please Pray This Prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I thank You for sending the Blessed, Wonderful Holy Spirit to me. Help me to understand and appreciate why You sent Him to me, so that I might be most effective for You. Forgive me for my lack of trust in obeying Your Wonderful Holy Spirit, and help me to be much more loving and bold in releasing Him out of my life. I'm sorry for not exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit more than I do. Help me to stir myself out of my spiritual slumber and to allow the Wonderful Holy Spirit to have His full way in my life. Thank You again, Lord, for sending Him to me. In Jesus name I pray this, Amen."



The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry, , New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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