0184 ~ Has God Got Your Attention?


Barnabas Bulletin ~ 0184




ONE of the purposes for the necessity of each believer to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit is that we might be able to hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us. It is very important that we hear the voice of God in this hour — that we move in the direction He has chosen for us. God is not dead. In fact, He is very much alive! The Bible says very clearly He speaks to us today by His Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2). We are also exhorted to have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches (Revelation Chapters 1 to 3). Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we could more clearly hear, discern and obey the voice of God. New Covenant Christianity is all about our being able to listen, hear and respond to the voice of God. That is the key to knowing the very will of God for our lives in a very personal way. Jesus’ sheep hear and know His voice (John 10).

  • How do we know what Jesus has saved us for if we do not know when He is speaking to us?

Before a man or a woman could move into a place of true leadership in the Bible, that man and woman would first have to be called and anointed of God. He would experience hearing directly from God Himself. God would put His Holy Spirit upon (and/or within) the man He chose to do His job. He has not changed. A few years ago God spoke these words to me: “Every great man and woman in the Bible all started out as a total unknown nobody until one event happened in the life of them all: they all heard My voice and obeyed.” This is so important for each of us to hear and know when the Lord is speaking to us. Otherwise we will only be doing what other people want us to do, and we will never really bring forth that “much fruit” that Jesus talks about in John 15. When we do what the Lord has asked us to do, then we see Him providing to make it all possible ~ and He gives us “much fruit” in the process, because God desires that we be fruitful vessels in His Service.


One of the reasons for Jesus returning to His Father in Heaven was so the Comforter (Holy Spirit) could be sent unto us. He told His disciples:"It is beneficial and right for YOU that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I WILL SEND HIM UNTO YOU" (John 16:7-15), He then told what would happen when the Spirit of God comes to us:

  • The Spirit in us would reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.

  • The Spirit in us would guide us into all truth.

  • The Spirit in us would speak to us that which He hears from Jesus.

  • The Spirit in us would show us things to come.

  • The Spirit in us would glorify Jesus Christ.

"Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?"(Acts 19:2). If you have, you should be conscious of those very things that Jesus told us in John 16 actually working in and through your life.

  • Has He got your attention?

  • Are you listening?

  • He anoints us with His Spirit in order that we might hear from heaven!

  • He speaks to His anointed by His Word and by His Holy Spirit.

  • Through the anointing we are able to hear what God would say to us.

The Apostle Paul said: "Now He who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God; who has also confirmed us and given the earnest(surety) of the Spirit in our hearts"(2 Corinthians 1:21-22). Each believer in Jesus Christ should know this truth in reality in his/her own heart. We should be able to say without any doubts or reservations, "I know God has anointed me and given me the certainty of His Spirit in my heart." We cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit and see no evidences of His presence in our life.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit brings us into a relationship with God which is real and wonderful. The anointing — if we allow the Holy Spirit to speak and guide — will lead us into God's perfect plan for our life. He is the Spirit of Truth — He never tells a lie, or leads us wrong. If we will listen to Him we will not go astray. When we personally hear from the Lord, then the next step (for us) is to demonstrate to God that we believe it is Him by stepping out in obedience to whatever He asks of us. I have discovered that until I action what God speaks to me, then nothing happens. It is our obedience to His voice that “unties His hands” to bring to pass what He has spoken to us about. So many Christians miss out at this point, because we often just “commit it to prayer” until the conviction goes away and we do nothing.

  • Every time God speaks there needs to be an act of obedience on our part. Obedience to His voice is the key to going forwards in God and to producing“much more fruit”.

Have we changed from this today? Unfortunately we still see much evidence of Christians seeking to be men-pleasers, wanting to be spoken well of, building up a good reputation, etc. — church standing — but what about the anointing of the Holy Spirit? God anoints us to hear His voice! He anoints us to receive His instructions for our life. And once we have received those instructions He expects us to carry them out in the strength He gives. Let the anointing speak the Word of the Lord to your heart, for He surely has much to accomplish through YOUR life. In your own strength you will only fail, but in the strength of the anointing of the Spirit of God you will surely overcome every obstacle that would try and hinder your progress. GOD HAS ANOINTED YOU!

  • Listen to His voice in this hour. Let the anointing of the Holy Spirit fill your life to overflowing with the knowledge of God's will, that you might possess all that He has promised you. "Be filled with the Spirit!"

Bible Reading:    John 14    John 15  John 16   Luke 24:49   Acts 1:8

Prayer:“Dear Lord, I ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit in such a way that I will have no doubts that it is You. I need more of You in my life, and You have sent the Holy Spirit to fill me to overflowing with your love, presence and the knowing of Your will. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer. In Jesus’ Name I pray this, Amen.”

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,   New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
