Vision and Confession


By Rodney W. Francis


“Where there is no vision (“the ability to perceive future developments”), the people perish (“to throw off, to uncover, make naked; stripped of honour and defence”) . . .” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).

“Where there is no revelation (“prophetic vision”), the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law (“word of Jesus”)(Proverbs 29:18, NKJV).

Today the opportunities to proclaim the Gospel into all the world are varied and limitless. There really is no excuse for us not to be involved in some way and doing our part. We in The GFM Ministry are continually amazed at the hunger there is for the Word of God. From around the world E-Mails and letters pour in requesting teaching, literature, help, advice, etc. We are doing what we can to provide the answers, but it is nowhere near enough. More and more requests and invitations are coming to us to send preachers, teachers, missionaries, to help them. Sadly most of the requests are turned down because we cannot find those labourers who are willing to sacrifice and go.

Everywhere people are growing more concerned with the rapid rise in the cost of living and, too often, this causes Christians to lose sight of who they really are. We need to remind ourselves that God has promised “to supply our every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Tell me, what else in this life can compare to such a promise as this? God’s “riches in glory by Christ Jesus” are far beyond our comprehension.

  • In simple terms, God supplies the needs of those who do what He asks of them.

It is time to know this truth and that the blessing and fruitfulness of our future does not depend on Governments, but upon the plans and purposes of God being obeyed in and through us! Yes, we must have a clear vision of the plans and purposes of God today. We must continue to set our goals high for the work of God, and we must positively confess that we will succeed in the face of all adversity and doubt. Jesus said: “WE shall have whatsoever WE SAY” (Mark 11:22-24). What we say and confess with our mouths has a very real affect upon us and the way we live. A negative confession produces negative results. A positive confession produces positive results! So let us say and have!

  • Speak your vision positively.
  • Confess out what your vision is.
  • Believe it and commit to it.
  • Be convinced by the vision of God for your life.


We believe God has raised this Ministry up to bless multitudes around the world. This is happening right now (through the various departments and outreaches that are operating), and we say it will continue to have a growing impact in many more lives.

We say that, in spite of rising costs, our Source of Supply is the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth, and He will enable us to fulfil all His will.

We say we have come to the Kingdom of God for such a time as this (Esther 4:14) and, like Joshua and Caleb of old, we declare we are well able to overcome the giants and obstacles that stand in the way (Numbers 13 & 14).

We believe the Word of Jesus: “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8) and so endeavour to freely provide the poorer nations of the world with the Gospel of Life. This takes vision to work out in reality, and we confess that the Word of God is true ~ it is the only real Answer to this sin-sick world’s problems.

  • Can you agree and confess these things out with us?


Dear Friend, I want to challenge you today:

  • Do you really have a vision to reach a lost world for Jesus Christ?
  • Are you cultivating that vision by word and deed?

We can no longer play around with the things of God. You are either in the Kingdom, or you are not. You are either fighting “the good fight of faith,” or you are not. Every Christian has been saved for a purpose ~ the purpose of God ~ and He has a unique calling for every one of us. We will never be totally fulfilled in life unless we are fulfilling His purposes for us. Far too many Christians have become defeated through a negative confession of themselves. It is so easy to say “I can’t” instead of “I will” to follow Jesus and obey His will for our life. Having an excuse is simply a negative confession that robs us of being more used of God in this hour of opportunity. Far too often we allow the enemy, or our own negative thoughts, “talk us out of what God is talking us into”. It is time for us to confess what Jesus says more than anything else, for He is still “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” today (John 14:6).

  • His word will outlast every other word and will stand us in good stead as we believe it and exercise our faith in what He has said.
  • What He has said and says supersedes every other word and voice that we will ever hear!


Let us, together, see the limitless opportunities that we already have to get the Gospel spread in the nations. Let us not be guilty of robbing the hungry from being fed because our vision and confession is not large enough, or positive enough, to make us care and act. If we do not have an active vision in our life, then we are in a state of decay, going backwards, being robbed and stripped of our honour and defence, being exposed. No one really desires to live like that.

It is very important that we do not put off until tomorrow what God is expecting of us today. It is so easy to procrastinate:

“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I (Jesus) say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest” (John 4:35).

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary (“harassed”) and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:35-38). And those who prayed and obeyed were sent forth by Jesus!

Again, the questions have to be asked:

  • What is the vision God has given you for your life?
  • What are you doing with it?
  • Are you fulfilling it?
  • God’s vision for your life is exactly right for you.
  • Step into it more today!

Let us stir one another in this hour to be doing all that God has called us to do. Let us praise God that the future IS as bright as the promises of God and that “we cannot go under for going over” with Him. Hallelujah! It is time to be gathering in the harvest for Jesus!

The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry,  New Zealand. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   
