Serving The Purposes Of God

 Serving The Purposes Of God

By Rodney W. Francis

We are living in a time when our generation desperately needs to hear and know the truth of Jesus Christ, and why He came to purchase their Salvation. You and I are called to fulfil the purposes of God in our generation, and it is vital that we are found doing His will in this hour. Let us be reminded, as well as challenged, by the Scriptures ~ and there are many ~ as to our responsibility to proclaim the Gospel Message to the ends of the earth.

“After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, ‘Halleluia! Salvation and glory and honour and power belong to the Lord our God! . . . Then a voice came from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!’ And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, ‘Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife (bride) has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:1-7, NKJV).

We Christians have the greatest message to share! We need to know and be convinced by it! Our calling is to serve the Lord, to be involved in His work, and to be “making His deeds known among the people” (Isaiah 12). We do not serve to earn Salvation ~ we serve because of our Salvation. We now have a testimony that life is so much more fulfilling with Jesus Christ in our hearts. The Gospel makes us aware of the fact that those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour, Lord and Friend, are caught in the grip of sin and are heading for a Christless eternity and a place of torment called Hell. Do we care about that? How does this truth affect us? Does it motivate us in love for our fellow man that Jesus Christ has extended His love and grace to us, and now He wants us to extend our/His love and grace toward others? The Scripture quoted calls us servants, in that we are chosen by God to serve Him in His purposes. It also tells us that His wife has made herself ready. How does that happen? It happens as we are committed to doing the will of God in our lives day by day. It happens out of a love relationship with Jesus! That relationship makes us different and causes others to want to ask the questions as to why we are so different. Be alive in Christ Jesus! Remember, we are part of the Answer, not part of the problem!


Right now, do you, do I, know the purposes of God for that which He has called us to in the here and now? If you do not know, then what are you doing to find out? God does not want us to stand before Him with “empty hands” in that day when we give an account of our lives. The Lord has sent His mighty Holy Spirit to endue and enable us to fulfil His purposes (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit speaks to us and leads and guides us into the purposes of God. If we are not fulfilling our calling in God, then others are not going to be made ready for the marriage of the Lamb! Yes, you and I do have a responsibility to be fulfilling the purposes of God. We are “workers together with God” to bring about His plans and purposes in the earth today (2 Corinthians 6:1). If we do not know God’s purpose for our life, then we are actually “missing the mark” of what it means to be a born-again, Holy Spirit-filled Christian believer. If this is so, then I urge you to make it a matter of urgency to seek the Lord until you hear from Him and know your calling in Him. He wants you to fulfil your God-given destiny today! He has placed within you a message that can change the hearts of people and bring them into a personal, living relationship with the risen Lord Jesus. What an honour to carry and share that message with others!

Right now there is a growing hunger in the hearts of many people around the world. How do I know this? Because, as a result of our doing what God has called us to do, we are experiencing scores of people making contact and wanting to know more about how they can be set free from all manner of problems, needs and “empty life-styles.” They want to be more useful in the Kingdom of God today! Our time is taken up in responding and ministering to these dear people.

So, what has God called you to be doing in this hour? If you do not know, who are you talking to that may be able to help you find out? Have you offered your services to your local church, community, or a mission organisation? It is far better to be involved in the service of Christ than to be merely “wandering aimlessly” through life hoping that “things will fall into place” one day. As a young Christian I got involved in everything I could in my local church. I gained valuable experience in working with other people, of facing responsibilities I had not had to before. It caused me to grow in my Christian faith. As I served, I also kept my heart and ears open to the Holy Spirit, and I found that He led me into new areas of service. I discovered that they were all preparations for that which God had called me to later on. Now that I am in the latter years of service for Jesus Christ, I can look back and see the benefits of my getting involved very early on in my Christian walk. Service to God causes us to be “pressed in closer to God” so we can fulfil that service in a fruitful way. (See Isaiah 6; Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:34-38).

All around us are needy people. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to some of them, and see what will happen. Talk to them of the love of Jesus for them, and how He longs to make Himself known to them. You may be just the person who has the joy of leading them to a saving knowledge of Jesus, and they will rejoice with you throughout all eternity! Yes, we are saved to serve. Let us be more outward looking and see the needs of others, and step forwards and be the answer they are looking for. You can do it!

"The Gospel Faith Messenger" Ministry. , New Zealand.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
